The Home Stretch

With our new website set to launch the first week of June – the Siena team has been hard at work to complete our Content Migration Phase.

Content Migration is a fast and furious phase—it requires a LOT of time and effort—but not to
worry, we got this! A team of editors from across campus have been working through every
page on our current website to decide what needs to be migrated.

Mitzi Bianchi, web interface specialist, has been spearheading the migration. She provided the team with an extremely detailed spreadsheet of all of the pages that needed to be brought over to the new website, who would be completing the transfer and where the information is
coming from.

It should be no surprise to anyone who has been following our website redesign journey—the
new website has a very different look than the current site. With a new design comes new
strategy. Our team has been not just copying and pasting, but rethinking and reimaging how
elements on our current website will need to be presented on our new site.

Some key questions we have kept in mind during content migration:

  • Where does the content current reside in our site? Is it in more than one location? Where is it linked from?
  • Is the content going to stay the same or will I need to rewrite it?
  • What template does this content currently use? In the redesign, will I be changing templates or keeping the same one?
  • Who owns this content – is it admissions, a department head, student life, etc.?

Luckily, some of our larger elements have been migrated by the Fast Spot team. This includes:

  • News Stories and Events
  • Admissions Blog
  • Faculty Profiles

With all of this in mind—we expect some pages will need additional tweaks post-launch. With
our new design, the migration team has had to make decisions on behalf of the page owners in order to get through the process in a timely manner. After the site launches we will be working to get our page editors up to speed with the best practices so everyone is happy with how the new site looks and functions.

Our Style Guide is going to play a key role in introducing our editors to the new website—so
look around, explore and learn about some of our new elements.

Keep an eye out for our new website launching June 5th !